Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Tour of the House

A tour of the Jones house

The front porch

The entryway

To the right is the living room

Straight ahead is the dining room and stairs

to the left is the laundry room, the bathroom and the guest bedroom

Guest bedroom

Laundry room

The School room and turn around and it's the kitchen


Living room


Living room

Back porch

Going up the stairs

Catwalk to the left of the stairs

Bedroom to the left

Bedroom to the right

the master bedroom on the left and another bedroom on the right


Master bedroom

Master bath

Finished Framing

I've been slacking, but it's never too late to put up the pictures. Their are some pictures missing I'm not sure where they went but I have the finished product so enjoy.

Dad explaining the finer points of hammering with Willie

Brandy doing what she does best

Baraks piano

Monday, September 29, 2008

street improvements

finally what you've all been waiting for! an update.